the right person is the only way. Guess that you want to forget about the previous relation and start looking for a new one quickly and that would always affect your choices. You might accept anything just to get over that relation and because you feel that you need to proof that it was not your fault. Just take a break of being involved in relations with others, think for a while about what happened in the previous ones. What was going wrong, try to find out what was common in most of your relations and try to come up with a conclusion and a question. Why does it always has to fail or be like that?

Don't get involved quickly with anyone, try to weight everything carefully before you decide. I'm not asking you to have doubts or fears before you even go for that relation. Just try your best to find what is the best for both of you, if you looked for the best for you only ... it will not work because you won't be able later to deal with this person problems and disadvantages later when it starts to get on the surface because you wanted from the beginning this relation to be perfect for you, so you won't be ready to deal with those issues later and feel that .. break up is the only solution.

Looking for what is best for him would also be a problem later, you will feel tired of trying to be perfect in his eyes all the time. You will reach sometimes to the point, does it worth all the pain ,efforts and my sacrifices? Why I don't get anything in return or at least feel that he admire that or appreciate it? Again you will find him in this case not perfect or good for you and you will again ... break up is the solution.

Darling, ... our lives are short ... too short to be wasted in getting involved in relations that does not work. Keep looking all the time will tire you in the end and again ... it would affect your vision and wise decisions.

Ingat Kapatid

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