Minimum monthly salary QR 7500/00. If yes,
Take salary letter and Labour contract fully stampped by labor dept.
Six month Bank statement stamped.
Application from labour Dept. signed by sponsor.
degree certificate.
marraige certificate, verified by Embassy and Forgien affairs.Children birth certificates verified as above.
passport copy of yours with RP page, copy of ID card, copy of passports of family members.
With these documents go to labor dept. on C ring Road.
After submission approval takes 2 to 3 days. check the website, if approved go back to take paper at labor, once you get it apply for Visa paying Qr 200 each applicant. It takes 2 to 3 days. Feel happy to wel come your loved once. Once they are here within month go for medical, blood group and medical ok go for finger print process takes one week. once done go for RP