It is actually illegal now to have a 'live in" maid unless she is sponsored by you or your husband..........

Novita is actually incorrect (sorry Novi dear ;) ) the Philippine government 'did' put up the minimum, but its back down to 200$ (730 qr)

Basically it all depends on how you hire her. Direct hire without going through an agency means you can give her a little more.

Salaries range from a minimum of 600 qr all the way to 2500qr.

I think either extreme is ridiculous. 600 is slavery, and 2500 should only be given to a very qualified candidate.

Start lower rather than higher, for the first 3 months. Then raise the salary.

1100-1300 qr is good for a live in that has no ties to you sponsorship wise, and that you do not need to pay a ticket home for...........but beware, it's not allowed anymore.....