what to do man, those guys really were so crazy to let me watch a stupid movie called Scream. All the time there is a maniac running after women and the women were screaming all the movie there hearts out ... Help!! Help!! Someone save me .. this guy is gonna kill me ... Dammit woman it is obvious he is not holding a knife and running after you to drink tea and eat popcorn ... and please, save this energy and run ... don't waste it looking to the back and saying stupid things like that, Duh!!

Wish I can get something better to watch, even the neighbours were wondering ... what the hell? Should we call someone to see what is going on ..? Oh guys it is just the movie, you know these things happen ... crazy men running after crazy women to stab them in the heart or somewhere else .. they use the term Stab in The Heart always to draw your attention somewhere else ... God!!!

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