for all visas issues you have to contact Can. embassy in Aby Dhabi, for all other services fo canadians - embassy in Kuwait.
Your sis should send this invitation TO YOU.
letter must include the following information about the person being invited:
Complete name.
Date of birth.
The person’s address and telephone number.
relationship to the person being invited.
The purpose of the trip.
How long the person you are inviting intends to stay in Canada.
Details on accommodation and living expenses.
The date the person you are inviting intends to leave Canada.
and your sister's info:
Complete name.
Date of birth.
Address and telephone number in Canada.
Whether she is a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident
A photocopy of a document proving her status in Canada. For instance, a Canadian birth certificate if she was born in Canada or a Canadian citizenship card if she is a naturalized citizen. If she is Permanent Resident, she must send proof of her permanent resident status (a copy of your PR card or her IMM 1000 proof of landing).
for all visas issues you have to contact Can. embassy in Aby Dhabi, for all other services fo canadians - embassy in Kuwait.
Your sis should send this invitation TO YOU.
letter must include the following information about the person being invited:
Complete name.
Date of birth.
The person’s address and telephone number.
relationship to the person being invited.
The purpose of the trip.
How long the person you are inviting intends to stay in Canada.
Details on accommodation and living expenses.
The date the person you are inviting intends to leave Canada.
and your sister's info:
Complete name.
Date of birth.
Address and telephone number in Canada.
Whether she is a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident
A photocopy of a document proving her status in Canada. For instance, a Canadian birth certificate if she was born in Canada or a Canadian citizenship card if she is a naturalized citizen. If she is Permanent Resident, she must send proof of her permanent resident status (a copy of your PR card or her IMM 1000 proof of landing).
good luck