For me personally I am sending money to Phils by bank to bank. Some are using Smart Money and Western Union. For Smart money and western union they can receive the money within the day or after 1 working day (not so sure) but for the bank to bank it will took maximum of 3 days. If you are sending to your own personal account I suggest you to send money thru bank to bank bcoz you can see there your cash movement... c",)
For me personally I am sending money to Phils by bank to bank. Some are using Smart Money and Western Union. For Smart money and western union they can receive the money within the day or after 1 working day (not so sure) but for the bank to bank it will took maximum of 3 days. If you are sending to your own personal account I suggest you to send money thru bank to bank bcoz you can see there your cash movement... c",)