I've been living and working in Qatar for over 8 yrs now.
The one thing I hate here is driving, too many arabs thing they own the road and your in their way. Also police are very corrupted, they are worse driver and violator in counrty. They give out fine just because your a third counrty national, and if you fight fine you'll end up loosing your drivers permit.
For the most part I've met a few Qataris and they are very nice people. I do not get into religion or politice with them. They are very open minded, but I think there are alot of people in position of authority that are power hungry and corrupted.
A lot of Qatari who get fines only have to call their cousin or relative to make it go away without payment.
I will no longer take any shit from arabs, I am a law biding person, I will comply with speed limit, but when they flash me, I will not move unless it's a ambulance. Speaking of ambulances, there should be a law to preven anyone from following a ambulance just to cut throught traffic.
Bottom line is this is my last year in Qatar. The sponsor system is just a s corrupt. I've seen a witness workers not being paid for their hard work. And they live in horrific living conditions.
Qataris do not raise thier kids, nannys do. Just go to the mall any Thursday or Friday and watch the kids gone wild.
I've been living and working in Qatar for over 8 yrs now.
The one thing I hate here is driving, too many arabs thing they own the road and your in their way. Also police are very corrupted, they are worse driver and violator in counrty. They give out fine just because your a third counrty national, and if you fight fine you'll end up loosing your drivers permit.
For the most part I've met a few Qataris and they are very nice people. I do not get into religion or politice with them. They are very open minded, but I think there are alot of people in position of authority that are power hungry and corrupted.
A lot of Qatari who get fines only have to call their cousin or relative to make it go away without payment.
I will no longer take any shit from arabs, I am a law biding person, I will comply with speed limit, but when they flash me, I will not move unless it's a ambulance. Speaking of ambulances, there should be a law to preven anyone from following a ambulance just to cut throught traffic.
Bottom line is this is my last year in Qatar. The sponsor system is just a s corrupt. I've seen a witness workers not being paid for their hard work. And they live in horrific living conditions.
Qataris do not raise thier kids, nannys do. Just go to the mall any Thursday or Friday and watch the kids gone wild.