But Buzzanca becomes famous for his role in the unforgettable film Il Merlo Maschio, (The Male Blackbird), where in a provincial environment of cultural importance, like it is the philharmonic orchestra of the Arena di Verona, he vents out his own frustrations, indulging into candaulism when he induces his bride to expose her naked body in the middle of a bridge in Verona.

Some critics, in a lighter vein, has defined Buzzanca as an "Homo Eroticus": a human being halfway between Homo erectus, and Homo sapiens, who risked extinction in the 1970s, because of the harsh struggle with feminism activists. Today, even if fortunately much less important, this human type is still very present between the Italian male.

We should recognize that Buzzanca's fame is greater in foreign countries that in native land, and in countries as France, Japan, Greece, Israel, Spain and Switzerland, he is a renown international stereotype of the Italianprovincialotto, elegant, naif, always trying to do some mischief, and not obtaining from this anything constructive.
