The nearest place to Mesaieed is Wakrah..22 km (20 minutes driving). the distance from Doha to Messaied is about 35 km (30 minute driving) but it depends on the place where you will rent. The best place for renting a home Doha is (HILAL, Rawdah, and old airport) since they are much closed to Wakrah.
The nearest place to Mesaieed is Wakrah..22 km (20 minutes driving). the distance from Doha to Messaied is about 35 km (30 minute driving) but it depends on the place where you will rent. The best place for renting a home Doha is (HILAL, Rawdah, and old airport) since they are much closed to Wakrah.
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This is the classified in Gulf time newspapers..You can find a lot of adv regarding homes.