Knoxcollege, on this you are just plain wrong. There are people employed specifically to do shop to car service. THIS IS THEIR JOB! I know this because I sponsor many such shops and men are recruited specifically for this purpose.

The employees value the tips they get from shop to car service. They are a valueable source of extra income. The shop generates much more business this way by providing this convenience fro customers.

And yes I think nothing of giving a QR 50 tip for a few items. I can afford it and the money will be well used. However I can't believe you only tip in restaurants or cafes..that's really stingy. Can't you spare just a couple of rials a day for someone? The newspaper guy? The petrol pump attendant? The barber? The toilet attendant? The street cleaner? The office teamaker? the office cleaner? I could go on...

Yes, in your own words, I am both 'mighty rich' and 'mighty generous'. And I'm a fantastic tipper!