you are entitled for 21days gratuity as per your basic salary.
this is your right and you should get it if company is not willing to pay you this amount you should go to labor court and i am more than 100% sure you will get this amount.
and also the company should pay you the returned ticket and they should give you a period so that you can close all your bank acount. qtel connection and if you are having your own car to sell it out.
have a good luck and remember what is done is always for someting better to come out.
hi friend
you are entitled for 21days gratuity as per your basic salary.
this is your right and you should get it if company is not willing to pay you this amount you should go to labor court and i am more than 100% sure you will get this amount.
and also the company should pay you the returned ticket and they should give you a period so that you can close all your bank acount. qtel connection and if you are having your own car to sell it out.
have a good luck and remember what is done is always for someting better to come out.