on prostitution in Qatar on QL recently. http://www.qatarliving.com/node/24642 The discussion was partly around the blind eyes the authorities turn to places like Oasis when they loose no time to storm into a bedroom and and arrest an "illegal" couple who might have been together for years.
Don't you think that everywhere in the world the whole system around prostitution is filthy and corrupt.
Like Gypsy mentioned on this thread above, prostitution should be legalised. Then the prostitutes wouldn't need "protection" from dirty pimps with contacts among influential people to avoid being arrested.
Anciulo buddy, sorry for the highjack. I am off your thread! I will compensate maybe with a drink at Oasis! lol
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
on prostitution in Qatar on QL recently. http://www.qatarliving.com/node/24642 The discussion was partly around the blind eyes the authorities turn to places like Oasis when they loose no time to storm into a bedroom and and arrest an "illegal" couple who might have been together for years.
Don't you think that everywhere in the world the whole system around prostitution is filthy and corrupt.
Like Gypsy mentioned on this thread above, prostitution should be legalised. Then the prostitutes wouldn't need "protection" from dirty pimps with contacts among influential people to avoid being arrested.
Anciulo buddy, sorry for the highjack. I am off your thread! I will compensate maybe with a drink at Oasis! lol
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!