ki haal hai tussi... changa? ok here is a snip from a conversation from a couple of your gao wallas... they crack me up and i absolutely love 'em... can't get enuf of Santa and Banta..

GG - HAN - KSA - morning, nice to see you on here, kinda busy with some work, but will pop in regularly to see if you'll are behaving and maintaining decency on my thread... :-P

Santa singh shows up at his friend Banta's place in a Brand New - Red Ferarri.
Banta: Wow Santa, What a car!
Where did you get it from ?
Santa: I was walking on the highway when a beautiful lady came in this car and asked me - "want a ride Mr. Singh ?"
I hopped in, and she took me to the woods. Once in woods she got outside took off clothes and said to me "Mr Singh. take anything"
Banta is quite excited and asks "What did you do Santa?"
Santa: I took the car.
Banta: good show - you wouldn't have fit into her clothes

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