Hi Gypsy, to be honest and helpful I don't really think that Qatar is the place for you if you are having problems with the conservative nature of the country. It can't be good for you psychologically if you feel that you cannot express yourself or live the lifestyle you wish in Qatar. If you have some other options then maybe they are worth considering seriously. No-one would want you to be unhappy, least of all yourself.

I gather from other postings of yours that you live with your parents in Qatar. How does that work for you? Perhaps that makes you feel better having family around but perhaps you would want to live alone or with roomate?

I guess what I am trying to say is that you need to give it serious thought...and planning.

On a lighter note, I had an episode of the reverse of how you are feeling today. I wished I was not in the 'west'! My family and I were walking around the city centre of Bath, England. A guy was harrassing us and following us. We were choosing to ignore him. He got ahead of us and said, 'f%#k off back to where you came from you bl&*dy murdering Arabs'. Charming! We did see the funny side of it after some time but at that moment I wished i was back in Qatar! Two of my children were upset for a while.