i don't think vlookup can do what you want, if i'm reading you correctly.
i think you need to combine it with an IF statement:
=IF(N1109=12200-235-16SS0101-CIP-1,vlookup(cell,'[3148001 rev.E K-home-BEH.xls]Sheet1'!$G:$O,9,FALSE),"")
cell would be wherever 12200-235-16SS0101-CIP is located. i always use FALSE with vlookups too.
i think the formula should like something like the above, but it's tough to know for sure without seeing the sheet.
let me know if this doesn't work.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
i don't think vlookup can do what you want, if i'm reading you correctly.
i think you need to combine it with an IF statement:
=IF(N1109=12200-235-16SS0101-CIP-1,vlookup(cell,'[3148001 rev.E K-home-BEH.xls]Sheet1'!$G:$O,9,FALSE),"")
cell would be wherever 12200-235-16SS0101-CIP is located. i always use FALSE with vlookups too.
i think the formula should like something like the above, but it's tough to know for sure without seeing the sheet.
let me know if this doesn't work.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I