Proudly blocked 8 times earlier? You really must be as ignorant as you come across to be. Haven't you figured out that you are not wanted here. It's people like you that make this world such a hateful place, not people who discuss and try (even if it's somewhat futile) to change this hectic world we live in.

Hasn't life taught you anything? The person being racist here is you sadly. Problem is you don't see it. Sandcastle is so right. It is people like you that taint the beauty of Arab culture. You should be shamed by the very people that you so vehemently defend. The fact that you lump 'westerners' together as one 'evil' being shows how truly small minded you are. Xena started a discussion about driving, and you concluded it with anti-western propaganda, using a very sad story (I actually wonder if you said the truth.....if so then I am truly sorry for your loss) just in order to spread more hate. Why? Does it make you feel better? This vicious circle of blame / hate / blame really has to stop.

There are so many nice people here in Qatar, and if only some of the bad drivers would actually read these posts, maybe then things would change. I doubt it..........but one hopes that the world can be a better place.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi