I will try out some stir fry spinach with a wine sauce... and yeh i kinda dig cooking as well now since it helps me de-stress or watever... will probably grab a movie... i think i have "stomp the yard" to watch and yeh me love watching movies as well and you guys, we cud swap movies if you wanna i cud make a list of movies i have and vice-versa... alls good with me.
I will try out some stir fry spinach with a wine sauce... and yeh i kinda dig cooking as well now since it helps me de-stress or watever... will probably grab a movie... i think i have "stomp the yard" to watch and yeh me love watching movies as well and you guys, we cud swap movies if you wanna i cud make a list of movies i have and vice-versa... alls good with me.