I am sorry that is a really sexist comment and not accurate in my opinion.
You can't generalise about men like that... there are heaps of lovely men.
If you make that comment
a) you justify the behaviour
b) you make it acceptable
d) there will be no change
e) why should the nice men get tarnished by the actions of others...
its like saying all muslims are......... or all black people are....
Men are certainly not like this in other countries.. and I have been everywhere including places where a white western female is not a common sight. For example little villages in northern sudan where i was only treated with absolute courtesy and kindness.
I am sorry that is a really sexist comment and not accurate in my opinion.
You can't generalise about men like that... there are heaps of lovely men.
If you make that comment
a) you justify the behaviour
b) you make it acceptable
d) there will be no change
e) why should the nice men get tarnished by the actions of others...
its like saying all muslims are......... or all black people are....
Men are certainly not like this in other countries.. and I have been everywhere including places where a white western female is not a common sight. For example little villages in northern sudan where i was only treated with absolute courtesy and kindness.