Both my dogs are allowed onto the bed, but only for a short time or for a cuddle. It's actually not good to allow them to have occupancy as they choose. It's a hierarchy thing. A dog that does always as he pleases tends to be more pushy in other areas of your life, like guarding food etc.

It's absolutely not a question of hygiene because humans carry alot more germs than dogs do; and providing your dogs are indoor dogs and get bathed at regular intervals there is no reason why they should be viewed as 'dirty'. Yes during the moulting season you get hair all over the place, so it may be a problem, but not because it's unclean.

Plus I like the fact that the dogs are always nearby, at the foot of the bed (on their own beds) and keep guard during the night.

:) Plus my dogs are big, there isn't room for all of us! :)

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi