
Please understand this and dont get me wrong...

If he really-really love's you, he will never ever get married w/ his wife. In the first place, NOBODY can force him, not even his mother if he wants to be with you!

First of all, he is not a kid to be contolled by his mother w/ his feelings towards you.

Second, if he choose to listen to his mother's decision and not his own, then he is not a real man!

Third, he got baby from her, that means he like her(get me?) and dont tell me that his mother force him to have S** with her too???

Now, its upto you to decide if you want to married this type of man? If one day his mother will tell him to leave you, he will do it! coz he did it to you once, and he will do it again coz he loves his mother?

Think about it Honey!