QR-9000/- per month =broadly thinking, posh living, lavish eating.
QR-7000/- per month = moderate living with limited outing.
QR-5000/- per month = simple living, high thinking, with intelligent spending.
Below that only high thinking+limited essential spending, rare outing, beautiful morning & evening walking.
Friend: It all depends upon how we lead our life.
It's a major factor above all.
QR-9000/- per month =broadly thinking, posh living, lavish eating.
QR-7000/- per month = moderate living with limited outing.
QR-5000/- per month = simple living, high thinking, with intelligent spending.
Below that only high thinking+limited essential spending, rare outing, beautiful morning & evening walking.
Friend: It all depends upon how we lead our life.
It's a major factor above all.