maxboy, sorry but I believe the reality is a bit different.

However, generally, if one has nothing to hide, one has nothing to fear. In general, I think this is a good thing, notwithstanding arguments from the human rights to privacy perspective. There are wider considerations and I think it is acceptable.

Agree with the others in that Qtel will protect its customers' privacy to a certain extent - as in they won't simply release info to all and sundry but to those who have the necessary authority. Things are obviously not perfect and could be much much better.

This should also serve as a warning to those who think that just because there is no reaction by the authorities, that they are getting away with whatever. I agree that a lot of people do get away with their nonsense because of the sheer numbers and the problem is in the implementation and monitoring.

Another argument to criticize that this is an open prison? It's a matter of one's perspectives. If negative, things just go into a downward spiral. If positive,one will find a way out or around problems.