I read yesbody's intention to convert, with much amusement... congratulations
but i cannot agree with what vmakunhi says about attaining paradise only thru conversion. I dont know what is the present religion of yesbody. but I am sure all relgion tells the same abot doing good for mankind.
( I have never met a religion saying TO DO BAD !!!! )
I also sympathise with yesbodys so-called dedication !!
Is it because whether he has studied the good teachings of Hadith/Quran ...or just because of his romantic entanglemnt with a girl ?
Instead of this girl, if he had seen a beatuiful Jewish girl, he could have converted to that religon. His intention was not to learn about Islam, but to get this girl "somehow"
I read yesbody's intention to convert, with much amusement... congratulations
but i cannot agree with what vmakunhi says about attaining paradise only thru conversion. I dont know what is the present religion of yesbody. but I am sure all relgion tells the same abot doing good for mankind.
( I have never met a religion saying TO DO BAD !!!! )
I also sympathise with yesbodys so-called dedication !!
Is it because whether he has studied the good teachings of Hadith/Quran ...or just because of his romantic entanglemnt with a girl ?
Instead of this girl, if he had seen a beatuiful Jewish girl, he could have converted to that religon. His intention was not to learn about Islam, but to get this girl "somehow"