How exciting for you. Couldn't happen to a nicer lady.
In the beginning, finances were the biggest problem. Then it was - hubby not picking up after himself. Why is it that men cannot open a clothes hamper and put the clothes in? That used to drive me insane - now I gave up and just put them away - not worth the hassle.
Do not tell little white lies to try and spare your partners feelings or to avoid an argument. That will usually backfire because the truth always comes out. He learned that one really early.
Sometimes it is just silly senseless things usually due to lack of communication. My hubby is not a talker, never has been, and I am the opposite. He has gotten better as the years have gone by (24th anniversary last month).
Love and respect in a marriage are so very important from both sides. Be willing to admit neither of you are perfect and accept the imperfecitons. It gets a little tough sometimes but your love will get you through it. An important thing to remember is to never go to bed angry - that really is true.
This is a tip we were given at our pre-marriage classes
Go into the kitchen.
Both of you take off your clothes.
Look at each other in the eyes.
Continue the argument.
I dare you to try.
I promise it won't last long.
Pretty soon the laughter takes over and you forget what you were arguing about.
I forget everything they said in the class but it has something to do with vulnerablity, etc. It works I promise!!
How exciting for you. Couldn't happen to a nicer lady.
In the beginning, finances were the biggest problem. Then it was - hubby not picking up after himself. Why is it that men cannot open a clothes hamper and put the clothes in? That used to drive me insane - now I gave up and just put them away - not worth the hassle.
Do not tell little white lies to try and spare your partners feelings or to avoid an argument. That will usually backfire because the truth always comes out. He learned that one really early.
Sometimes it is just silly senseless things usually due to lack of communication. My hubby is not a talker, never has been, and I am the opposite. He has gotten better as the years have gone by (24th anniversary last month).
Love and respect in a marriage are so very important from both sides. Be willing to admit neither of you are perfect and accept the imperfecitons. It gets a little tough sometimes but your love will get you through it. An important thing to remember is to never go to bed angry - that really is true.
This is a tip we were given at our pre-marriage classes
Go into the kitchen.
Both of you take off your clothes.
Look at each other in the eyes.
Continue the argument.
I dare you to try.
I promise it won't last long.
Pretty soon the laughter takes over and you forget what you were arguing about.
I forget everything they said in the class but it has something to do with vulnerablity, etc. It works I promise!!
Best of luck