both my kids are at DMBS and I find it O.K. but since you haven't given the ages of your children just a word to the wise be prepared for the fact that they may try and place your children in a higher grade since the British curriculum starts reception/kindergarten at 4 y.o. based on the child turning 4 before 1st September of the start of the school year which is September here, from my own example my daughter who only turned 6 last May started grade 2 last September when had we been at home in Oz she would have only started grade 1 January this year if we were home and done what most people had been advised to do in Sydney which is hold them back to start Kindy at 5 1/2, however when returnig home and since we are returning back to QLD she has the advantage of the fact that she will have almost done a full year already of grade 2 and will be going back into grade 2 for the last six months of the Australian school year which we hope should put her on and even keel considering the other problem that we are finding is that my daughter not being academically inclined is being a bit left behind as it is just expect that because she speaks English then she should be able to cope and do the work with little assistance.
both my kids are at DMBS and I find it O.K. but since you haven't given the ages of your children just a word to the wise be prepared for the fact that they may try and place your children in a higher grade since the British curriculum starts reception/kindergarten at 4 y.o. based on the child turning 4 before 1st September of the start of the school year which is September here, from my own example my daughter who only turned 6 last May started grade 2 last September when had we been at home in Oz she would have only started grade 1 January this year if we were home and done what most people had been advised to do in Sydney which is hold them back to start Kindy at 5 1/2, however when returnig home and since we are returning back to QLD she has the advantage of the fact that she will have almost done a full year already of grade 2 and will be going back into grade 2 for the last six months of the Australian school year which we hope should put her on and even keel considering the other problem that we are finding is that my daughter not being academically inclined is being a bit left behind as it is just expect that because she speaks English then she should be able to cope and do the work with little assistance.