Thanks to everyone who shares their views. My problem with my wife has been resolved. I have explained such things to her in a calmly manner. She understood. When asked why I am not replying to her sms/calls, I just answer that if I do, it will make the situation worst as I am not yet in a good mood to talk to her.
She said that she is now willing to support me in all my plans as it is very clear to her that I am doing such things for our future. Then, she told me that she even love me more because she knew now that I am responsible enough to carry a family.
Just to share a thought...
..."When married, one has to get into an argument once in a while since in this way one learns about the other."
[Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet, dramatist. Eduard, in Elective Affinities, bk. I, ch. 2 (1809).]...
Thanks to everyone who shares their views. My problem with my wife has been resolved. I have explained such things to her in a calmly manner. She understood. When asked why I am not replying to her sms/calls, I just answer that if I do, it will make the situation worst as I am not yet in a good mood to talk to her.
She said that she is now willing to support me in all my plans as it is very clear to her that I am doing such things for our future. Then, she told me that she even love me more because she knew now that I am responsible enough to carry a family.
Just to share a thought...
..."When married, one has to get into an argument once in a while since in this way one learns about the other."
[Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet, dramatist. Eduard, in Elective Affinities, bk. I, ch. 2 (1809).]...