orxy is right!
"it isn't axiomatic that if the family is here they will behave decently
lots of 'respectable married men' behave like tossers...anywhere

true orxy. infect, we used to discuss about this issue in campus before. according to my lecturer (male), for every something that happens, there are many reasons for it to happen. there is always be a story behind a story: there is always be a 'push-and-pull' factors that trigger someone to behave in a such way.

marriage doesnt necessarily save men from 'curb cawling' etc, because it depends more on the 'inside story' of their marriage. normally some men do that because they cannot find what they want in their marriage, they feel like something is missing in their marriage. i cannot state clearly what is that "something" which is missing, because it varies and depends on what every men is seeking in their marriage. so only men himself will know what is missing. (incase if they feel sth is missing).

these kind of men feel like, "something" which they expect (seek) in a marriage cannot be found in that current marriage. thats why dont be suprised to discover if there are some 'married men',but fall under the category of man-"still seeking".

perhaps, we may ask other men here of 'what do men normally seek or expect in a marriage'?

guys, any comment?
you are welcome gentlemen......