Baedaebok and oryx, thanks for the input! Oryx, i pmed you for the contact info. I really appreiciate the referral. I'll keep his number onhand, but might call Golden Man too. Haven't decided what i'm looking for exactly yet and for now i think i'll keep options open (until i get there at least). It is always nice to have someone you know is trustworthy so thanks again for offering up his contact info. :=)
Baedaebok and oryx, thanks for the input! Oryx, i pmed you for the contact info. I really appreiciate the referral. I'll keep his number onhand, but might call Golden Man too. Haven't decided what i'm looking for exactly yet and for now i think i'll keep options open (until i get there at least). It is always nice to have someone you know is trustworthy so thanks again for offering up his contact info. :=)