Kikomondos, you said: "Again, in my point of view, it is unfair for those drivers who've been doing the right thing, each day."

The whole point of arriattu's post was that he was complaining about a driver who hadn't done the right thing, so your protestation is irrelevant.

And it's not really for you to say what arriattu should or shouldn't post on a public forum, so long as it isn't overtly offensive or defamatory.

It's a good warning for other people living in Doha that this practice is happening, so people can be alert and prepared in case this happens to them.

Personally, I think it's entirely reasonable, and in fact I think it's very public spirited of arriattu to share his experiences, so that other people can be on their guard against this happening to them.

And why focus on arriattu? Other people have complained about karwa on numerous occasions previously. There have been complaints raised here about pre-ordered taxis not turning up on time or at all, taxis with no passengers just driving past people who are desperately trying to flag them down, taxi drivers who behave very inappropriately to female passengers travelling alone...

I believe it's a public service to not only complain to the company, karwa, but also to warn fellow Doha residents of problems they may encounter.

Thank you, arriattu, for your contribution, for alerting people to this practice. And I'm very sorry that you and your family had to go through such a distressing experience.