Will tell you about something here :) :

1- Drinking coffee that got caffeine in there would always prevent your body from losing weight. It is irritating the Pancreas and asks it to inject more insulin in the blood, that won't help you in losing weight. It would help you in getting the water inside your body out.
2- Having a perfect breakfast will provide you with energy all the day and will help you also in losing your weight.
3- Doing some exercises early in the morning for like 20 - 30 minutes will provide you with an amount of energy for like 2 - 3 hours daily.
4- Drinking warm water in the morning with some drops of a lemon would also help, it does not help in losing weight like most of people do believe .. it would help your liver in getting cleaned of the different harmful and poisonous substances there ..
5- Follow a 5 days training schedule it is more effective than others.
6- Don't quit on eating, your body will get into starvation mode and anything you will eat would be a disaster because your body feels like it is in danger, starts converting anything you eat into fats.
7- Drink water to get extra water out, your body is storing water inside because you are not drinking enough water, it is trying here to establish a balance between the amount of salts that you got there and that is why when you eat without drinking water, your body will get extra Sodium inside and to balance that amount it will store water everywhere in your body. When your body feels that it gets enough water, it will automatically release all of this extra water ... no need to torture yourself with Sauna and other stuff. Drink a cup of water after the Sauna and ooops I'm fat again.
8- Sleep early, nothing would create a problem and disturb your body like a bad sleep.

Wish that it helped man, .. got more for you here .. but this much is enough i guess :)

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