I really appreciate all the support and information...
facing a new world which so far away from hometown
and all the new things really makes me nervous...

But this QL really a great help...
And my mandatory reading during this week.. :P

Regarding the school..
I have seen this cedars web (From Novita info a few weeks ago.. Thks)
They didn't mention it's for children with learning problem...
but yes, it's makes me curious why only less students and almost double tuitions fee.. maybe true it's for kids with problems..

If I can choose of course I want a better place for the kids...
the normal environment... :)
But, maybe I don't have much option...

So I will apply for the waiting list anyway, and have this cedars as back up in case I didn't get the place...

And sure I will give my priority to this Rasgas's sponsored schools. just try my luck ...( or my kids luck... :P )

However, we're Indonesian, so English is not our mother languange
Therefore I send my kids for english class everyday (which almosts makes the parent bankrupt ... :P)

Any other idea for me... ?

Really appreciate your help gals...