I was speaking to an Indian friend here about how the notion of any sort of domestic assistance is totally foreign to me and probably most Australians. Maybe you might have a cleaner come in for an hour or two each week, but basically families cope without.

She asked who does all the housework and I told her - the kids. When we grew up we spent our youth either working in the home (cleaning, cooking, washing etc) or working in a part time job. When I tell my friends here about this, whether they are Indian or Arab or whatever, the assume that I must have come from a really, really poor family since we obviously couldn't 'afford' to have servants.

But for us it isn't a question of money, we just don't see it as necessary - how much help do you really need in a household???

And now living here I have difficulty coping with the idea that there are staff to make my tea and coffee or pour water into a glass for me. I mean seriously - it's instant coffee... it's not that hard!! I find it patronizing to think that someone has to place a tea bag into a cup and then add water - do you think I'm too stupid to do it myself??? And frankly most of the time I used to get up to go for a cup of tea in my old job, it wasn't because I was thirsty it was because I wanted to stretch my legs and go for a little walk and maybe say hi to colleagues on the way!