I'll spare you the complete list of everything I love here, because it would go on and on. Sure there are things that frustrate me, but nowhere near enough things to make me leave.

Mostly I love the lifestyle - I'm finished work by 2:15pm and then I can spend the rest of the afternoon and evening at leisure. I don't have to cook, I have heaps of friends to go out with, and I do manage to find heaps of things to do. In fact domestically I barely lift a finger - I don't iron my clothes, cook my meals and when I shop at the grocery shop on the corner (I like to support the local small businesses) the friendly guys carry my shopping. I have to force myself not to get a cleaner as a way of not turning into a totally lazy sod!

And the other thing I love here are the people. The Qataris are wonderful and warm and Arabs in general are lovely and generous friends. The ex-pats here are a close knit, friendly and welcoming bunch, and if you want to find a friend it shouldn't take you more than 30 mins with the right attitude!

The only thing that would prevent me from spending the rest of my life here is that I want to go and live in outher countries too!