Here's the rub! What's legitimate. It can't be action alone can it? If so what's the different between Dietrich Bonhoffer (a German theologian) participating in a plot to assassinate Hitler and a father hearing voices "from God" telling him to murder his own child?
I think the action needs to be tied to love. What is the loving thing(s) to do? How do I make this world a better place by my being in it?
But even then, IMO faith comes first or else the actions can only be selfishly (albeit maybe intelligently) motivated: "I'm doing it for the reward, and *NOT* because it's the right thing to do."
Here's the rub! What's legitimate. It can't be action alone can it? If so what's the different between Dietrich Bonhoffer (a German theologian) participating in a plot to assassinate Hitler and a father hearing voices "from God" telling him to murder his own child?
I think the action needs to be tied to love. What is the loving thing(s) to do? How do I make this world a better place by my being in it?
But even then, IMO faith comes first or else the actions can only be selfishly (albeit maybe intelligently) motivated: "I'm doing it for the reward, and *NOT* because it's the right thing to do."