Again I don't know what to say guys, you overwhelmed me with your love, kindness, sincere wishes and emotions. I don't know what to say .. you let me speechless again .. LOL, Lyf ...would not mind answering that my friend .. 26 years, not bad eh? Still got the chance to see and live my life .. When you get older you don't lose a year, you gain a year of wisdom [hopefully :)]

Guys .. just name the place where do you want to go and the pleasure would be mine. Honestly I did not know but late yesterday that it is my birthday today, because of work which left me with no plans :)
So tell me and let me know, otherwise going to send everyone his piece of cake through PM ... change your settings to accept PMs or you will lose it :)

Thanking all of you again, wishing you all the best in your life.

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