This happens all the time, and if you bite the dust, it's up to you. It should not be that fast, you should ask if that is only for your basic salary, how about house allowance, and food, transport and socialallowance? Or is it an over all salary already, you have to weigh in your job from this job, your job there will be permanent, here, until they needed you only. You sound like liking it, but think it well.
This happens all the time, and if you bite the dust, it's up to you. It should not be that fast, you should ask if that is only for your basic salary, how about house allowance, and food, transport and socialallowance? Or is it an over all salary already, you have to weigh in your job from this job, your job there will be permanent, here, until they needed you only. You sound like liking it, but think it well.