Another possibility:

You don't specify the nature of the problems you're experiencing. If there are behavioural/social issues over and above his needing intellectual stimulation (i.e. if he has a high IQ, but a low EQ), then something like Asperger's Syndrome is a possibility.

Asperger's Syndrome is often found in children with a very high IQ.

But it doesn't necessarily follow that every child or adult with a high IQ is 'Aspie', it depends on whether the person meets several other of the diagnostic criteria.

This is possibly/probably irrelevant, but I don't know, as you don't elaborate on the kind of problems you're experiencing, but I just thought I'd flag it up so you can read about it, and decide for yourself whether or not it's of any relevance.

If you have any questions about AS (which is something I know quite a lot about), but don't want to discuss the nature of any problems you're experiencing here, feel free to contact me via the Private Message facility and we can swap email addresses.

ETA: If you think this might be relevant, don't start to despair or get upset or worried about it, it's really not the end of the world. I'm Aspie myself and very happy with who and how I am.
