I am an ARAB but i totally agree that if Arab guys stare at my wife i will probabky wnna kill them too. Dude let's ust put it this way ...if u got in a fight with one of these ARABS i would be on u're side 100 %, i don't care where u're from . I hate it when guys look at my woman and i almost got into a fight because of it recently. The only reason why Arab guys look at u're wife is because they think u as her husband don't care .....if u give them a stern look and make it clear that u do care they will back down....unless u're dealing with real thugs ...in which case they may not and u may have to go as far as saying "What the hell r u looking at !!"
trust me show no fear ...we as Arabs know we are doing something wrong ...so we feel guilty especially if the husband gets upset. Whatever u do and this is an international rule...never show weakness or let people sense u're afraid ...if a guy stares at u're wife and u pretend u don't notice he'll do it more .....if u stand up for u'rself he will back down.