I remember reading the plight of a worker in Gulf-Times some time back. He had written in his letter that since the day he joined the company his employer has been continously harrassing him not sexually. He has been verbally abused all that time. Whatever he does just makes his employer angry and he said that he has been so much traumatized by this that he tried to commit suicide. this is just one of the stories in millions God know how many more are there. Not long ago one of my friend came from States to Qatar and I was showing her around in my car late at night when I was stopped by the CID and they demanded to know what is my relation with her. I tried to explain but for them every relationship that involves a guy and a girl has sex. So i was escorted to the police station and had to spend the night in the police station. My friend was sent to the women police station (Thank God). The next day the she called her embassy (U.S. embassy) and we were released from the dungeon. one unforgettable experience that i still remmeber.

Even though I didn;t do anything wrong I still had to spend the night in the police station and probably this thing is now in my CID record. If i had tried to argue I would have definitely been deported by the next flight. Dude this is just one of the stories. There are many stories who are languishing in jail just bcoz they are poor and they don't have the WASTA.