For you information Mr. Genius researcher, Lebanon's Internal Security forces celeberated their 150's anniversary few days ago.

So. which country or nation existed in its current form and name for 1000s of years? Eastern Taymour was establed few years ago. Israel was exteblished in 1948. Can you tell me what happened to Brussia (not Russia).

Sectarian struggle is prevailing in most countries. Think Ireland is a live example about the struggle between Catholics and Protestants.

And you have discovered that Lebanon was not invaded. Its only that we are decendants from other nations. Fine. What were the Crusaders doing in our place. Guess they were enjoying scuba diving and sun taning. If you are Lebanese originally, can you tell me for example what does the family name Franjiyye mean.

Ottomans were not tourists in our area. Neither were they doing geological explorations.

We know our history very well. Being proud of our country is not a crime. We are not under-estimating or insulting other nations and/or countries.

SO, yes our area was invaded and is still invaded by several enemies and in different forms.

If you have a personal problem against Arabs or Lebanese or Christians or Muslims in the area (Eastern Mideterranean), then keep your problems for yourself.

We are proud of ourselves. Proud that we belong to this part of the world. Proud that we are managing to survive having 18 sects co-existing in this small spot and trying our best to making it a real heaven.

When we talk proudly about our country or our nation, this is not rubbish talk. if you have some corrections or doubts about some info, then you are welcome to post here. Like what Gypsy did and that is a positive comment.

But if your intention is to spit rubbish then this is not the place.