Government must be control the companies . He must be able to find out the truth.What had happened ? Who will proved the insurance, Qatar government? Who will provide the monthly salaries,Nepali Government ? Absolutely,the company who take workers from different nationalities he must be able to do as per agreement. If not Qatar government Must be punish that type of company example Hyundai and other companies. Government must be put this type of companies as a black list.And Don't give him to take any more workers from other country.For Example If one worker get mistake he will be banned for 2 years,If company did a mistake No action against him ? who is the wrong ? company or 701 Nepalese ?
"The history of looser" /i haven't read yet.Did you ? So i Request to every body 1 Nepali can do the mistake but 701 can not in once time in same company.
We know that Nepali Embassy wont come to make release to the 701 jailed unlucky Nepalese .Hi will see only .Only he can organized the meeting.What can they do more than that ? Why should they stay here ?
If They cant do something for Nepalese in this country. They can Return back in own country.Why should Nepali government pay them a salaries in Riyal.
Government must be control the companies . He must be able to find out the truth.What had happened ? Who will proved the insurance, Qatar government? Who will provide the monthly salaries,Nepali Government ? Absolutely,the company who take workers from different nationalities he must be able to do as per agreement. If not Qatar government Must be punish that type of company example Hyundai and other companies. Government must be put this type of companies as a black list.And Don't give him to take any more workers from other country.For Example If one worker get mistake he will be banned for 2 years,If company did a mistake No action against him ? who is the wrong ? company or 701 Nepalese ?
"The history of looser" /i haven't read yet.Did you ? So i Request to every body 1 Nepali can do the mistake but 701 can not in once time in same company.
We know that Nepali Embassy wont come to make release to the 701 jailed unlucky Nepalese .Hi will see only .Only he can organized the meeting.What can they do more than that ? Why should they stay here ?
If They cant do something for Nepalese in this country. They can Return back in own country.Why should Nepali government pay them a salaries in Riyal.
"My Nepal My Pride"