hahaha...i know the feeling...we used to have a british physicist in the hosp...and most of the time he's doin some reports and stuff...and the whole time we're all open-mouth open-ears tryin to catch everything what he's saying...
i remember he once called our receptionist... he just asked her how many patients are we expecting for that day...and the receptionist is so surprised...
he said: how many patients today? (but she thought he said "how many patients to die?"
hahaha...i know the feeling...we used to have a british physicist in the hosp...and most of the time he's doin some reports and stuff...and the whole time we're all open-mouth open-ears tryin to catch everything what he's saying...
i remember he once called our receptionist... he just asked her how many patients are we expecting for that day...and the receptionist is so surprised...
he said: how many patients today? (but she thought he said "how many patients to die?"