BTW i always thought of gettin a copy of the labor law here but never had the chance. Is there anyone who knows what are the implications if you were sponsored and signed a 2 yr contract and decided to quit your job before the contract ends? is it depending on what your contract says or the Qatar labor law? I dont mind paying my airfare back home really but how about the other implications?
BTW i always thought of gettin a copy of the labor law here but never had the chance. Is there anyone who knows what are the implications if you were sponsored and signed a 2 yr contract and decided to quit your job before the contract ends? is it depending on what your contract says or the Qatar labor law? I dont mind paying my airfare back home really but how about the other implications?
[img_assist|nid=15514|title="Adjust, Adopt & Overcome"|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=172]