The person that i talked to this morning was not very good in English, so whatever he spoke sounded rather impatient (i find this behaviour kind of rude, coming from a call centre agent.)

anyway, 300 qr is a bit too much for additional copy of 6 months statement, even if it is 4 pages or 40 pages. You could get these statements for free from online banking.

regarding credit cards, i remember having paid around 100 qr every year some time back but it has been free since past 2 years for me. They used to have some credit card offers (co-branding with Qatar Airways) and guess they have started to limit these offers and charge higher rates.

The minimum amount for maintaing minimum balance was raised from 2500 - 3000 qr just 2 months back.

So, most of these charges have just been introduced lately. More than justifying these charges, the bank could be trying to portray a new sophisticated image and not interested in having accounts of persons with less salaries.