There are quite a few currencies that the banks will not exchange at the moment. No doubt the number will increase as those countries economies move from inflation to deflation and then full blown depression.
With the crisis in Gaza the region is quite nervous add to that the global economic crisis, the banks are not in a panic but they are being ultra cautious. Also, the slow internet issue has sparked off a lot of conspiracy theories. But the coincidence of banks being careful, stopping currency exchange, the military build up 1,500 klms away from here, and communications being a problem is worth considering. Not all banks have reacted yet but my sources indicate:-
There are quite a few currencies that the banks will not exchange at the moment. No doubt the number will increase as those countries economies move from inflation to deflation and then full blown depression.
With the crisis in Gaza the region is quite nervous add to that the global economic crisis, the banks are not in a panic but they are being ultra cautious. Also, the slow internet issue has sparked off a lot of conspiracy theories. But the coincidence of banks being careful, stopping currency exchange, the military build up 1,500 klms away from here, and communications being a problem is worth considering. Not all banks have reacted yet but my sources indicate:-
Bangladesh Taka 0.000000
Algerian Dinar 0.000000
Egyptian Pound 0.000000
Jordanian Dinar 0.000000
Lebanese Lira 0.000000
Srilankan Rupee 0.000000
Nepalese Rupee 0.000000
Philippine Peso 0.000000
Pakistan Rupee 0.000000
Syrian Lira 0.000000
Yemeni Riyal 0.000000