Whatever Apple has posted above is the fact and the harsh reality.
The purpose of opening all the universities in Qatar is Qatarization. The problem that the Government faced was that when Qataris used to go abroad for higher studies, the givernment had to pay for their accomodation, living, airtickets plus the tuition fees. And many times those who went came without passing. so the Government has opened the universities in Qatar and it doesn;t has to pay for their accomodation and living. just the tuition fees and if they are not passing the government can simply cancel their scholarship.
Although we have yet to see the quality of the students who are studying at Weill Cornell Medical College. Last news that I had was that the students of Weill Cornell Medical College were being taught english.
I think MS.APPLE being a nurse can tell us about the quality of the students studying at weill cornell in qatar as she might have had contact with them. Over to you Ms. Apple