Suretsky's thesis is that the problems of the Philippines are caused by a flawed democracy which is rooted in a lack of national pride. I was expecting him to elaborate more on the notions of flawed democracy and national pride and to, at least, show in an unequivcoal way why they are the reasons for the existence of potholes, beggars and rude drivers but he did not support his claim. Surely, it is nice to talk about sense of history, self identity and national pride, but within the context of the present Philippine problems,these terms are nothing else but vague concepts and oversimplifications. To repair the economy and the potholes in the street, something more concrete than pride and love is needed.
Suretsky's thesis is that the problems of the Philippines are caused by a flawed democracy which is rooted in a lack of national pride. I was expecting him to elaborate more on the notions of flawed democracy and national pride and to, at least, show in an unequivcoal way why they are the reasons for the existence of potholes, beggars and rude drivers but he did not support his claim. Surely, it is nice to talk about sense of history, self identity and national pride, but within the context of the present Philippine problems,these terms are nothing else but vague concepts and oversimplifications. To repair the economy and the potholes in the street, something more concrete than pride and love is needed.