Most motorcyclists do ride the white lines in Doha whenever traffic builds up. Most motorcyclists in Doha are fast food delivery guys. Most motorcyclists are ignored by the 1000s of Landcruisers, Escalades, trucks, Nissan Patrols, Suburbans, ___________ (insert name of large 4WD here), etc. Most drivers of said vehicle will not consider you have any rights on the road (whether in a lane or between them).
If you are not familiar with traffic in Doha (or indeed the Gulf in general) then I suggest you wait to experience it firsthand before you decide you want to use a motorcycle regularly for commuting. The temperature (50C+) and humidity for nearly 6 months of the year is unbearable for any amount of time.
Most motorcyclists do ride the white lines in Doha whenever traffic builds up. Most motorcyclists in Doha are fast food delivery guys. Most motorcyclists are ignored by the 1000s of Landcruisers, Escalades, trucks, Nissan Patrols, Suburbans, ___________ (insert name of large 4WD here), etc. Most drivers of said vehicle will not consider you have any rights on the road (whether in a lane or between them).
If you are not familiar with traffic in Doha (or indeed the Gulf in general) then I suggest you wait to experience it firsthand before you decide you want to use a motorcycle regularly for commuting. The temperature (50C+) and humidity for nearly 6 months of the year is unbearable for any amount of time.