Aviduser, about the kitchen in your new apartment, I don't know how it works in Qatar, but in the UK if you buy something off plan, you do get a bit of latitude when it comes to fixtures and fittings.

If you didn't like the look of the kitchen in a show apartment, or if you didn't like the look of the illustration, ask them about other options. Maybe their same supplier can provide a different style of kitchen for the same price, maybe you can choose what style you want? Or, alternatively, maybe you can ask if it's possible to pay a little bit extra to get a better quality kitchen installed?

Maybe if they provide a kitchen from the regular range, and you don't like it, maybe instead of buying a brand new kitchen from somewhere else, maybe you can come to a deal with the developer and the supplier so that you can pay the difference between the style and price range of kitchen that comes with the property as standard, and the higher price of a better kitchen.

If you can make a deal so you can just pay the difference, that might be more cost effective that in a couple of years time ripping out the kitchen and replacing it.