Oh there are alot of jerks in this world, and u were going to find out that he's a jerk sooner or later, so better sooner than later. U just saved urself alot of heartache in the future :-) He's honestly not worth getting upset over (I know easier said that done), ur better off without him.Instead feel sorry for him cause he has to live with himself forever!! lol, cheer up girl and welcome to QL :-)
Oh there are alot of jerks in this world, and u were going to find out that he's a jerk sooner or later, so better sooner than later. U just saved urself alot of heartache in the future :-) He's honestly not worth getting upset over (I know easier said that done), ur better off without him.Instead feel sorry for him cause he has to live with himself forever!! lol, cheer up girl and welcome to QL :-)